Lazarus: Divinely Resurrected: The Anatomy of Lazarus' Tomb

Many people of this time period had different viewpoints about rebirth(a period of new life,
growth, or activity) however, the truth is this occurrence happened and could not be denied. To
this day, thousands of people still visit the site where Lazarus was once buried. The name
Lazarus can be found two times in the Bible; The first being in Luke 16 and the second being in
John 11. The Lazarus mainly focused on in this paper refers to John 11. 

About The Webinar

Lellentesque massa placerat duis ultricies. Massa sed elementum tempus egestas sed sed. Tempus urna et pharetra pharetra massa massa ultricies mi quis. Dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus mus mauris. Sapien pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus.

  •  Lazarus and his sisters
    (Mary and Martha) lived in Bethany which was southeast of Mt. Olive and about 3km from
    Jerusalem. When Lazarus became ill, Mary and Martha sent a messenger to the other side of the
    Jordan River where Jesus and His disciples had secluded for their safety. When the messenger
    arrived where He was, he told Him what had happened to Lazarus. 

  • After the messenger
    explained Lazarus' condition, Jesus waited four days before going to the scene. This was done so
    that he could test the disciples' faith. When the disciples asked Jesus why He was going back to
    Judea (where He was once threatened to be stoned), He told them that Lazarus had become ill
    and had died. When Jesus arrived, Mary fell at Jesus' feet and wept. The Bible also makes
    reference here in this passage that Jesus wept; however, it was because of the disciples' unbelief.

Webinar Presenters

  • Zoe Hoffman


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