The Road to the Progressive Safety System

Webinar Replay Available : REGISTER BELOW

 As the transport industry gears up for the implementation of the Direct Vision Standard (DVS) 2024 in London, hauliers need to pay attention. To ensure continued compliance and to protect your O licence, operator due diligence is an absolute must. The buck stops wth you when it comes to understanding what the new Progressive Safety System permit requires and when evaluating your fleet's compliance status.

Getting expert guidance from industry professionals can provide valuable insights and assistance during this transitional phase and, with this in mind, we were delighted to host the latest webinar “DVS 2024: the Road to the Progressive Safety System”.  This not-to-be-missed webinar was co-hosted by Karen Crispe (Convey) and DVS expert Ed Barrie (SMuk).

At the webinar on Tuesday 21st May at 11am, Ed explained all the implications of the new DVS 2024 legislation, so that you can get the clarity you need on the upcoming changes and how it will impact your vehicles and drivers travellng in London.

Register for free below and get instant access to the LIVE RECORDING...

  • Discover everything you need to know about DVS 2024..

    Industry expert Ed Barrie explains in detail what the new Progressive Safety System entails and which key areas of existing safety systems are impacted.

  • Get clarity on how you can ensure 100% compliance..

    After watching the webinar you will have a clear understanding of what needs to happen when, to ensure seamless compliance for your London operations.

  • Receive expert guidance on choosing the right DVS kit..

    Armed with the right questions to ask,  you can be confident that the kit you choose will be 100% compliant and fit for purpose in light of new regulations.

  • Karen Crispe

    Commercial Director (Convey)

  • Ed Barrie

    Business Development Manager (SM UK)

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