Host: Kim Polinder

How to Move Past the 4 Predictors of a Breakup

You'll get a step-by-step strategy for how to handle each of the 4 Major Predictors of a Breakup:
- Toxic Criticism
- Defensiveness
- Contempt
- Stonewalling

My name is Kim Polinder, founder of the Polinder Coaching Group, with a social media following of 400,000+ followers. My specialty is helping couples improve communication so that they can feel understood and work through arguments in a productive way.

I'm going to be sharing with you the antidotes for each of the 4 Predictors of a Breakup.

The first antidote is for Toxic Criticism. I'll teach you how to focus on specifics rather than overarching generalizations about someone's character (e.g., "You're ALWAYS on your phone.. You NEVER want to spend time with me..")

The second antidote addresses defensiveness. This involves introspection and acknowleding any accountability you have for your part in the conflict.

The third antidote is an approach for contempt. Contempt plays out through eye rolling, name calling, mocking your partner, and cutting sarcasm. This behavior may start out as lighthearted in the beginning of a relationship, but over time can lead to bitter resentment. The solution for this is to communicate in an active rather than passive way.

The fourth antidote is for stonewalling and the silent treatment. Many times, stonewallers are overwhelmed with fight, flight, or freeze responses and need tools to learn how to ask for a break. I'll give guidelines for how long a break should last and what to do if it goes on longer than is reasonable.

Also included in this webinar will be a special Live Q&A at the end. This will be an opportunity to interface with Kim about your real-world struggles with these tools and how best to move forward.

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