Free Webinar

Kids Head Start

Financial literacy is the best investment in your children's future. Register now to learn the best ways to set your kids up for success in life. We'll cover the offense and defense needed to provide for post-secondary eduction while protecting your retirement assets.

  • Mike Reilly

    Webinar Host

  • Georgie Henn

    Webinar Host

  • Planning For The Future

    Everything changes when you have kids, especially your financial prioroties. We'll discuss how to reframe your financial goals and how to create a strong plan for your family!

  • Education Savings

    Saving for post secondary education is easier than you think but navigating the sules for moximizing government grants (ie. Free Money) requires some planning.

  • Protecting Wealth

    Childhood is not without it's risk. Protecting your family's finances, including RESP's, from erosion is critical. We'll discuss how tools like insurance can become an asset in your financial plan rather than an expense.

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