Does Paying Off Your Home Loan Make You More Financially Secure?

Attend to Discover If You Truly Know the Answers to These 5 Questions!

I'll speak to 5 Big Questions concerning home loans in this webinar:

1) Which saves you more money over time: a large or small down payment?​
2) ​​​​​​Which save you more money over time: a 15-yr or 30-yr loan?
3) Will making extra principal payments save you money? 
4) Is the interest rate the main factor in determining a loan’s cost? ​​​​​​​
5) Are you more secure having your house paid off than 100% financed?
Are these commonly held beliefs myth or fact? Join me as we discuss each of these questions in detail in this brief but very informative webinar.

  • Wallace Nichols

    Webinar Host

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