Free Webinar

A walk through of the videoBIO Recruiter system for hiring teams

What you will learn in 10 minutes.

In this 10 minute webinar you will be introduced to the videoBIO Recruiter hiring system and how remote teams are using it to standardize and automate their hiring and add video to their process.

  • Virtual hiring system for remote teams

    When hiring remotely you need a system that is built for video to create the most "like live" environment possible.  

  • Automate and standardize with AI

    With the use of AI you have the option to automate scoring or review AI scores along with your team review to add another layer of data and defensibility to your decision making

  • Access a wide range of assessments, interviews and tests

    You will see the widest range of human skill, competency assessments, multiple choice, coding tests and all ranges of video-based interviews including timed, flexible, live and one-way interviews.

  • Catharine Fennell

    Webinar Host

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