"Raw Material Interaction in Formulations"
Special IFSCC Webinar Series One Year Anniverary Webinar
About the Webinar
Join us for this special webinar to celebrate the One Year Anniversary ot the IFSCC Webinar Series. Tony O'Lenick, former IFSCC Chair of Education, and the Praesidium Member who first proposed a webinar series, will be our Presenter. He gave our first webinar, and we're delighted to welcome him back to celebrate our year of sharing science with you.
We have all heard the adages: "oil and water don't mix", "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush", "silicone is not soluble in oil or water". While these adages have an element of truth, they are not universally true.
In cosmetic science there are many instances where assumptions limit our ability to formulate some great products. Instead of saying simply "anionic and cationic surfactants don't mix", we'll examine what molecules we can add to make them mix, why these work, and what the resulting aqueous system is.
Wednesday 21 April: 8h West Coast USA = 10h Mexico City = 11h East Coast USA = 16h London = 17h Europe = 18h Tel Aviv / Moscow = 20h30 New Delhi
About Tony O'Lenick, Presenter
Former President and Treasurer of the USA-Canada Society of Cosmetic Chemists, Tony has spent his career in our industry. Known as an expert in silicones Tony is now focused on providing natural raw ingredients to our industry. O'Lenick has published many books and countless articles, many which are available in the IFSCC Virtual Library at no cost to IFSCC Members: ifscc.org/publications/learningcenter. Both the IFSCC Virtual Library and Webinar Series were either created or first proosed by Tony while IFSCC Chair of Education. He created a legacy of education and sharing we hope you'll enjoy.
About Perry Romanowski, Moderator
Currently Chair of the IFSCC Education Committee, Perry has been involved with the Society of Cosmetic Chemists (USA-Canada) for years. He served as SCC President and has served on too many Committees to list here.
His company provides on-line education for cosmetic scientists, including a very popular free webinar series, through his website www.ChemistsCorner.com. His textbook, Basics of Cosmetic Chemistry, is currently available only on IFSCC.org for IFSCC Members (free; registration required) and is the #1 most downloaded refernce material from the IFSCC Virtual Library.
Tony O'Lenick, Nascent Technologies (USA-Canada SCC)
Webinar Presenter
Perry Romanowski, IFSCC Education Chair
Webinar Moderator
Mary Lynn Halland, IFSCC Secretary General
Webinar Host