About The OET Forum

We look forward to welcoming you to this year's OET Forum. The pandemic has highlighted the need for an agile and adaptable healthcare workforce and that's why we've chosen Mobilising a Global Healthcare Workforce as this year's theme. We've lined up a range of expert speakers to examine this and other important topics through the lens of healthcare communication. We'll also be providing the essential OET updates you've come to expect.
Join delegates from across the healthcare and English language sectors for an engaging few hours of presentations and interactive panel discussions, plus plenty of time for Q&A with the OET team.

  • Message from Sujata Stead, CEO of OET

    "Healthcare workers and providers are facing incredible challenges during the pandemic, and I look forward to discussing how we can support an agile and globally mobile healthcare workforce which is cognisant of the needs of both destination and source countries. We’re proud of OET’s contribution to workforce mobility through English language testing and training, allowing healthcare professionals to deliver safe and effective care in English-speaking environments around the world."

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