Interfaith University Mandatory Student Orientation

           Interfaith University
​​​​​​​Mandatory Student Orientation

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Step 1. Mandatory Orient​​​​​​​ation
At this point, in order to activate your scholarship, you will need to complete orientation . Register for the class and attend the entire session.
​​​​​​​Near the end of class, the "time for testing" icon will appear. Click the link to access your exam. Complete the exam and you will receive your score immediately following.
Step 2. Navigating the Student Portal
After Successful Verification.Go back to the page (posts) entitled, "degrees we offer." Scroll down the list of credentials available. Find the degree path that you applied for. Click on that particular degree link (Doctor of Divinity, Master of Theology, etc.). This will show you the syllabus with everything required to complete your degree path. You may bookmark and save this page, as this will be your roadmap to achieving your credentials.

  • Dr. Ludie L. Hoffman

    Interfaith University Provost

  • Dr. R. Buffer

    Interfaith University Educational Coordinator

  • Step 3. Class registration and exams.

    Go back to your syllabus and carefully read the information for each class. The textbook is needed and the registration link will be provided. When it's time for testing, the time for testing icon will appear. Remember you'll have two hours to come back. each exam, although you may attempt it multiple times until you reach that limit.

    Please take note that this is an interactive process and we encourage you to reach out to our support team at any time for further assistance or clarification. So don't be shy, ask away, and make the most of your experience with Interfaith University.

    Welcome aboard. We can't wait to see you excel at Interfaith University. Keep learning and growing with us.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​

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