How to Increase Volunteers Inside and Outside Your Church -
Serving Challenge Preview
A majority of churches are reporting lower volunteering numbers than they’ve ever seen before. Trends that were ongoing for the past two decades were only accelerated in the pandemic. So, what can we do? How can we raise the volunteer and serving culture in our churches?
On April 12th, join me and my wife Allison Zehnder as we talk about serving like Jesus. We’ve spent the better part of the last 20 months studying, researching, and writing about how to serve like Jesus. On the webinar, we will give our first online preview of the content in Serving Challenge and Serving Challenge Kids and what to expect in our next 40-day challenge. In addition, we’ll give details (and webinar-only deals) for churches that agree to launch on October 1st in the first wave of churches.
One of the biggest challenges we face when it comes to this particular issue is solving a problem that many in our church don’t believe exists. In the FREE online RLC Assessment, more than 5000 participants have rated themselves collectively the highest in the discipleship target of serving.
If this is the case, then why do those on the outside not use words like compassion, caring, loving, kind, and serving to describe followers of Jesus?
It’s time we go back to Jesus to learn how to truly serve. When we explore how He served, not only will we be challenged to serve in more effective manners, but we’ll find that true fulfillment, purpose, meaning, and reward comes from serving like Jesus.
Zach Zehnder
Webinar Host
Allison Zehnder
Webinar Host