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DevOps in Flow: Wrangling Data Table Mountains: ELT, ETL and the evolution of data engineering at the City of Cape Town: 30 May 2024
​​​​​​​An IITPSA DevOps SIG series

For anyone immersed in the data realm, the transition from the Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) paradigm to Extract, Load, and Transform (ELT) has been hard to ignore. But just in case you've missed the memo, Dr. Gordon Inggs, Principal Data Engineer at the City of Cape Town will delve into the essentials of these methodologies, touching on their historical context and the supporting architectural patterns that underpin them.

Drawing from real projects undertaken by the Data Science branch at the City of Cape Town, Gordon will use concrete examples to illustrate these concepts in action and explore the rationale behind the shift from one paradigm to the other, as it occurred within the City of Cape Town. This talk is designed for data professionals and those supporting them, aiming to make data more useful in organisations of all sizes.


    Webinar Host

  • Candice Mesk - Blockchain Enabler - Application Development Head, organiser of DevConf and member of the IITPSA.

    Webinar Presenter

  • Gordon Inggs - Principal Data Engineer at the City of Cape Town

    Dr. Gordon Inggs is a Principal Data Engineer at the City of Cape Town, known for working on large, complex socio-technical systems. Raised among the penguins of Simon's Town, he completed his undergraduate and Masters in Electrical Engineering at the University of Cape Town in 2011, followed by a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering at Imperial College London, focusing on heterogeneous systems, which was awarded in 2016. After his PhD, he returned to Cape Town to work for Amazon Web Services in 2016. He worked on the EC2 product, contributing to some of the largest computing systems on the planet. In 2018, he joined the City of Cape Town, initially as the city's second data scientist. However, in 2021, he recognised his true calling, data engineering, and transitioned to that role, dedicating himself to practical data solutions for the City's residents. Dr Inggs has a unique combination of advanced technical knowledge, combined with deep understanding of the social contexts within which these technologies might play a role.

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